shape your face with

Archive Brows

cosmetic, semi-permanent makeup
technique designed to enhance eyebrows with a soft, pixelated effect.


Archive Brows

My mission is to help you achieve the framework you desire for your face while maintaining a conservative approach.

Thank you for buzzing by!

My name is Bethany and I want to give you a sweet little taste of what I offer! I know how busy schedules can get.As a mother of two, I understand what it’s like to be a busy bee. Something I do not have time for is drawing my eyebrows on. There aren’t enough hours in the day, and there certainly isn’t time to waste on brows!

No more drawing on eyebrows,

just wake up and go!

what are

Pixel Brows?

The Pixel Brow technique is a semi-permanent brow shaping service that boasts a natural look. With the use of two colors and soft manual skills that releases a series of points (pixels), brows shaped with the Pixel technique have a very glamorous, natural looking appearance. They last 1-3 years depending on your skin type and how well you follow aftercare instructions. Another benefit of using the pixel technique is that it is causes less trauma to the skin so heal times are reduced.